Friday, May 27, 2016

Diana Deaver emotional magician

   So who else has heard of and fallen in love with Diana Deaver?

   No one?

   Ok, well let me enlighten you in the only way I know how, irreverently and with as much sarcastic overcompensation of my insecurities as possible ;) (Diana I promise you won't cringe reading this, I just have the wrong assumption that I am funny...moving on)

   Diana Deaver is not only a kickass, mad talented wedding photographer, but she also hosts a YouTube channel called Emotional Health With Diana Deaver which tackles tough questions and topics on something we all deal with every day, or perhaps something we DON'T deal with every day---emotions.

   I think what impresses me most about Diana, beyond her very relevant and highly aware process of thought on the subject, is that she never dictates to you as if her word is law. Diana encourages you in many ways to be the master of yourself, instead of relying on something outside of you to come along and say "Hey buddy, life gettin ya down? Let me handle all that for ya! You go out and forget all about this, these are not the droids you are looking for."

   She encourages a hands on approach to your feelings, giving tips and ideas on how to manage it all and let go when needed. 

   In her video, How To Benefit From Negative Emotions, Diana challenges us to see emotions as indicators. Pleasant emotions cause us to be more present, so shouldn't unpleasant emotions also have a role? Emotions are signals to turn toward and away from things. Diana suggests that unpleasant emotions elicit ACTION.

   If your Garmin alerts you of traffic ahead, you sigh or curse and get irritated, but you accept it. Then as time passes, traffic picks up, and you continue to follow and listen to your Garmin, TRUSTING it again to guide you to your chosen destination. Our emotions guide us to things. When we are pleasant emotions we feel that we have arrived, a sense of joy takes us over and we feel content, inspired, adventurous, all kinds of awesome stuff! When we feel unpleasant emotions we tend to feel lost.

   Diana makes an amazing point here, that those negative emotions are guiding you to pay attention! Something inside is going in the wrong direction and must be corrected so we can get back on the road. When the Garmin goes funky, we get it an update. Unlike a regular Garmin however, ours are top of the line gps systems, which not only alert us when we are off course inside, but when we are heading toward something dangerous. (or simply away from that which makes us feel good) The cool part is this is all part of the GROWING PROCESS, and so in the words of Bob Dylan "It's all good." It's all good man ;) 

   Now I am adding somewhat to what Diana said, so watch the video for yourself, experience the amazingness that is Diana Deaver! I give her channel a EAF 2 thumbs up! Why is emotional health important? If you don't believe that tending to your emotional well-being is important, then to be honest this section is just not for you and that's cool guys, no worries. Everyone works out his own dharma and no one has the right to tell you how to be or what to feel or concern yourself with. But if even a small part of you feels the urge, click the links and check her out, you won't be disappointed.

To connect with Diana visit her YouTube or Facebook 
Thanks for letting me enlighten the fuck out of you

Till we meet again #riverreaders,

  --- Wes

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